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class AuthActivity : AppCompatActivity

Activity updates the AuthClient state with the auth response received from the redirect URI and calls the appropriate callback.

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interface AuthClient

Interface for dispatch requests to authentication Strivacity APIs. Note that instances of this interface must be manually disposed when no longer required, to avoid leaks.

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class AuthConstants

This class contains constants with authentication types that are used in AuthClientImpl.createAuthRequest

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class AuthProvider(context: Context)

Uses for initialization AuthClient object

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class AuthProviderException(message: String) : Exception

Uses when AuthProvider needs to return exception

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class BiometricAuthException : Exception

Uses when biometric authentication failed

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data class BiometricPromptConfig(title: String?, subtitle: String?, negativeButtonText: String?)
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enum BiometricType : Enum<BiometricType>

Enum to configure the way the biometric authentication should work or disable it.

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data class Config(clientId: String, clientSecret: String, domain: String, redirectUri: String)

The class contains required for authentication information.

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interface ProviderCallback

Interface for callbacks to handle AuthClient creation. Called in AuthProvider.provide after the user has created AuthClient object

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class RedirectHandlerActivity : AppCompatActivity

This activity was added to fix the incompatibility of the redirect uri format that the AuthorizationManagementActivity expects with the one returned by Implicit and Hybrid Flow from the Strivacity APIs.

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interface RequestCallback<T>

Interface for callbacks to handle result of request. Used in all authentication Strivacity APIs.

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class SecureStorage(context: Context, biometricType: BiometricType)

This is used to securely store Strivacity authorization data on the device. How secure storage for authorization data is used Encrypted Shared Preferences